Saturday, June 15, 2013

You Know You Work In A Children's Library When....

~you laugh at the wildly popular yet misinformed statement "libraries are quiet", because your workplace is anything but.

~someone asks you who wrote the Froggy series and you answer without needing to think, "Jonathan London".

~you have daily moments of nostalgia when you encounter books you loved as a child.

~you feel like you're living in a Hydra--whenever you put away one book, two more appear in its place.

~you start answering your personal phone by saying "Youth services, this is ___, how may I help you?"

~after someone calls in and asks you what the capital of Bulgaria is and you transfer them to Information because you have no idea, you turn to your coworkers and say, "You can ask me who wrote the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, but don't ask me what the capital of Bulgaria is."

~your mind is blown when you realize Cam Jensen is not only a girl, but her real name is Jennifer.

~by the end of the summer, even as a book lover you're tempted to say "I'm so tired of books!"

~you are in danger of being killed in an unpleasant and untraceable way by your coworkers if you ever say "it's quiet in here"...because as soon as you say it, the masses enter.

~just about every day you see an adorable baby or an insanely cute kid and want to take them home!

~when someone talks about Beverly Cleary or Donald Sobol you say "I love their books!", but when someone talks about Nicholas Sparks or David Baldacci, you say, "Who?"

~you love your job, even at the most trying of times.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


It's only appropriate that I thank the people who made this blog possible in my first post. Thanks to my dear aunt for helping me set this up, and thanks to my brother for suggesting the name (after Mom, Auntie, and I were agonizing about it for a while!)

While I'm on the subject of family, I'd like to say that I think family is one of the most important things God ever ordained. In my Understanding the Times curriculum for school, I learned something new about the famous Genesis 3:15 verse "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, between your offspring and hers, he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel". Apparently, the word "offspring" in the original language meant a line of descendants as a group, and it was meant to carry on into the "he will crush your head" part. So not only would Jesus crush Satan's head, but humans in general will crush the serpent's head. That was very interesting to me. We are all Satan-crushers. Satan understands this, and because of it he declared war on the family, because according to the verse the family would cause the most damage to Satan.

Well, he's done a pretty good job of waging war on the family. Divorce and abortion rates are so high that I don't even want to think about it, and the "traditional" family is not viewed with much respect these days. So I just want to say that we should all do our best to stand up for family the way God meant it to be. Whenever you get the chance, defend the sanctity of the God-ordained family.

Even though your family members may drive you crazy sometimes, just stop for a moment to think about what life would be like without them. I am blessed with an amazing family--millions if not billions of people don't have what I have. So give your parents a hug, and let your brother or sister have that bigger piece of cake, because you and I may never know just how blessed we are to have family.